Booster Regulator

Booster Regulator
The specialty regulator series VBA is a booster regulator that saves money
and energy by increasing the main line pressure up to two times.
The booster regulator, when connected to air supply line, increases pressure
up to two times and the main air supply pressure may be set low.
Desired pressure increase can be easily adjusted.
Air Tank Series VBAT
Air Tank Series VBAT ..
Booster Regulator Series VBA10- VAB11-VBA20-VBA40-VBA43
Series VBA Pressure Drop? Pressure not enough? Repair and New Unit supply for the booster reg..
New Booster Regulator Series VBA
New Booster Regulator Series VBA  ..
Booster Regulators VBA
Booster RegulatorsBooster Regulator VBA・Can increase factory air by a maximum of 200%, Power su..
増圧弁 VBA Booster Regulator
増圧弁マイリストに追加増圧弁 VBA・工場エアを最大2倍に増圧、電源不要。 工場ラインからエアをつなぐだけで最大2倍の圧力が得られます。 (VBA11Aは最大4倍) エアタンクと増圧弁が直結..
증압 밸브 VBA Series
증압 밸브 VBA Series모듈러F.R.L./압력제어기기 > 증압밸브공장 에어를 최대 2배로 증압, 전원 불필요 공장 라인에서 에어를 연결하는 것..